Happy first birthday our little angel!!! Honestly I can't even believe this ...... words cannot express how unbelievable happy you make Daddy and I. You are the sweetest little thing and full of spunk and personality, we just love it! You have changed our lives for the better and we cannot imagine anything without you. We can't even begin to express our gratitude for being able to be your parents, how did we get so lucky? Here are a few of your most favorite things right now ...
- Showing 1 finger when we ask how old you are
- Clapping
- Playing with Mommy's hair
- Eating pudding .... thanks to Daddy
- Crawling along the walls and furniture .... yes you could walk fine alone but are a little too scared to let go :)
- Holding mommy's hands while walking upstairs over and over and over again
- Running away when mommy tries to get you
- You LOVE animals and love when we make the noises
- Obsessed with books, they really entertain you for hours
- Being outside
- Getting into all the drawers in the kitchen
- Playing in your tutu!
- Cuddling with Daddy
- Looking at pictures
- Playing with the phone and remote control
- looking at the snow
- Playing in the laundry basket
- Saying mama, dada, and hi
- Getting into EVERYTHING :)
We hope you know how extremely loved you are!!! There is so much more to say and I just can't even get the words to say it, but we love you more then anything and HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY OUR LITTLE OLIVIA!!!!