Oh my how time flies!! Our sweet angel is 6 months old today!!!!!! AH!!! To me this is a HUGE milestone so I am trying to making it a special day. I have made her half a birthday cake ..... yeah she can't eat it yet but I will probably let her try the frosting a little :), she slept in until 9:30 ... yahoo!, and we are swimming and going to the Bee's game later! Here are somethings I love about Olivia.....
- She is such a smiley girl and loves to flirt .... as long as mommy is holding her :)
- She is a definite little spit-fire
- Full of personality!!!!
- She loves to play, but likes you to be right there
- She LOVES being outside
- She is a little water-doggie ...... loves the swimming pool!!
- She loves getting little kisses and I swear she gives them back (yeah I know it is her just sucking on my cheek, but I like to think....)
- She squeals so loud when she laughs
- She LOVES her daddy ..... every night about 8 she starts getting hyper and looking around for him because she knows he is going to come and play with her
- She is a wonderful sleeper ..... well at night, we are working on the naps ....
- She loves to "talk" and looks at me like I should understand
- I love how she still cuddles
- I love how ticklish she is!
- She just has the brightest smile that will light up anyone's day!!
We are so blessed!!! She is just the best little girl ever and we are so lucky and amazed she is a part of our family! We love our little Liv!!!