
I will never forget

I was sitting in AP English and will never forget a teacher running in and yelling that a plane had just hit one of the twin towers and to turn the television on. And my English teacher made us continue our work like nothing happened .... a couple minutes later another teacher ran in and turned our television on .... right as the second plane hit ..... I will never forget those horrible images I saw of people jumping out of the towers, of the towers falling, of those grieving for loved ones. I will never forget how happy I was to see my Mom that day, I will never, ever forget the faces of the children that were born that year without a father, and I will never forget the heroism of those men and women that saved lives and lost their own. I will never forget.


Kristen said...

I will never forget either. I can't believe we witnessed such a huge part of history.

J & B said...

Hey Jess! I was in this class with you and I totally rememer the teacher telling us to turn the TV off and that it was not as important as AP English. Boy was she wrong! ps your kids are sooo cute! Hope all is well!