Ok so what started out like this .......

Ended up like this!!! Since birth Olivia has been OBSESSED with her hands ..... I mean obsessed! They are in her face constantly and lately she has started "eating" them. Well yesterday every time I turned around she was sucking on her thumb .... AH!!!
Oh, I'm sorry...it can be a good and a bad thing. But she's still the cutest thumb sucker I know =)
I did not know you had a blog! I am so glad you posted on mine! Olivia is a cutie!
Oh wow! Have fun with that one. Logan learned how to throw a tantrum. At least Livey can't do that yet right?
ha! that is the same thing with Hallie! (not necessarily thumbs, but she is obsessed with her hands) How funny. She usually prefers her hands to her binkie, and gets mad when I take out her hands and force in the binkie instead. We need to get our babies together. Are you bringing Olivia next tuesday?
Oh boy Jess, here comes trouble!!
J/K! Today was so fun, and thanks for taking me to that cake shop, SO delish!
those tights are the cutest things ever...
Jessica, I stumbled onto your site and thought it would be fun to link you. I hope you don't mind. Jake and Matt don't talk much anymore so this blog will be good for them.
Hey! Love all your pictures! I love that Olivia looks so cute sucking her thumb!
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