I was lucky enough to go to on two separate trips to Vegas and St. George, just a few short weeks apart from each other. The first trip was with Matt's entire family, adults only, and we had such a fun time! My In-laws are awesome and they treated us to such a fun trip! We got to see "O" from the third row and it was amazing!! This is pretty much the only picture I had but we shopped and ate and saw a movie and a show .... it was awesome!

My Mom takes my sisters and I on a girl's trip each year and about two weeks after I got home from the first trip I left on this one! We had a blast and shopped WAY too much, ate WAY too much food, and saw The Little Mermaid at Tuachan .... it was such a great trip!!
Getting ready to leave .... Jack knew something was going on and wouldn't let go

At dinner after shopping for about 12 hours straight!

Pizza Factory before the play

It was so good, I just wish Liv was there that night .... she would have loved it!

I made Jen get pictures with Ariel and Prince Eric for Liv ....