We had such a fun fourth of July weekend! Fishing, shopping, swimming, fireworks, BBQing, & Bee's game, such a great weekend!!!
Matt took Livie fishing while Jack and I went shopping with my aunt and cousins ... I think something is wrong with that picture :)

Liv's getting ready with her doll in one hand and her Book of Mormon in the other :)

I hate that this picture is blurry, but it was my favorite of the 15 I tried to take ....

Jake and Jackson had on matching shirts, they totally planned it

Eating at Cowboy Grub right before the big rodeo!

I LOVE the Oakley rodeo!

At the Bee's game in a suite .... Liv was in heaven cheering the bee's on and having all you can eat food ....

Jack LOVED the game .... was smiley the whole time

We had to get a picture of our family, because the last time Matt and I were in this suite, it was our FIRST date!! Now we have two kiddos ..... crazy!

Ok this little fella LOVES fireworks ... no joke people they were SO loud and he just watched them .... and was just the same when we did our own!