I've been a little out of commission lately and I am so behind on blogging .... but here are some of the highlights of our Holidays! It seriously was the best this year with the kids .... Liv was SO into everything and it made it so much more fun!
Christmas Eve

The kiddos in their new PJ's ..... Jack about passed out when he saw he got Thomas :)

Grandma and Grandpa sure did good! The kids hit the jackpot!

Santa arrived! Good thing it only took 3 hours to put everything together .... Thank you Matt!!

Christmas Morning! A little excited!!!

Santa pulled through

New Sunday clothes .... LOVED Christmas on Sunday!

Loving their new Jeep .... already been off way too many curbs, sidewalks, and bushes ....

New Year's Eve we went up to the cabin .... my favorite place!

Finally some snow to go sledding in!

So nice and relaxing!!