For Jack's birthday we pretty much celebrated for two straight days ... spoiled little kid! Sunday we had our families over for his monster birthday! He was obsessed with the blue cake and looked like a little smurf once he destroyed it .... Then on his actual birthday we went to the aquarium, lunch with daddy, dinner with grandparents, and build-a-bear ... phew! I think he was in heaven!! Hope this little guy knows how much we love him!!! Still can't believe he is one .....
The monsters I made .... yep that's right I did it all by myself

In his birthday shirt

this is a little out of order ... but he loved opening his presents ... and then eating the paper ...

And as you can see he held onto this little green balloon ALL NIGHT

He had like 30 people singing to him right here and it was so funny watching him!


Yeah seriously people ....

On his actual birthday!!


Loving his ice cream!!

At Build-A-Bear

His new University of Utah Monkey!

More presents ....

Way too many toys!! Both kids have been in this ball pit for like two days straight ... best gift ever! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!