In August we had a couple of little trips planned and had such a great time on each! With my family this year we decided to stay at our cabin and then do fun activities each day .... we just LOVE the cabin and had so much fun with each other!! Liv is in heaven up in the mountains and pretty much thinks she owns the place :) Sorry this is such a long post, I am trying to catch up a little here!
We went and saw "Despicable Me" .... LOVED IT!
We then went swimming .... I am pretty much obsessed with this face
He looks so much like my Dad and just loves him!
Liv on the diving boards ....
Liv has a stick collection everywhere .... this is hers up at the cabin ....

I think Liv was taking lessons from Aunt Jenny on how to lay out on the boat:)

Seriously think this is one of the only two pics of us since we have had kids ....

Sweet boy

Loving the noodles
Matt getting a lot of air on the wake board .... isn't he hot??
In Park City at dinner one night ... best pic we got of our little family
We went on a fun little hike up to a fishing pond

This is Liv and Matt .... Jen's boyfriend .... Livie keeps talking about him still ... better watch out Jen I think Liv is moving in!

Livie's other favorite buddy is Erin .... LOVES her and pretty much wouldn't leave poor Erin alone

Liv's favorite thing is fishing ... seriously it is and she has pretty good skills I must say!

Gotta love timeout
Liv and Jake
On Sunday we went down to Temple Square and Liv was the cutest ever! She is obsessed with the Jesus statue and keeps asking to go back
With some of Matt's family we went to Flaming Gorge and had a good time as well! Such a pretty place and I think Matt and Liv were both in heaven fishing the whole time!
Liv on her ski with some of her cousins
yummy ...
This kid was a trooper, seriously, but I think I have Matt convinced no more boating trips with a baby .....
His favorite thing was the wind on his tongue .... crazy kid
Fishing with Grandpa