Matt, Liv, and I were able to take a little family trip down to San Diego and we had a BLAST!!!! I will admit it is definitely different traveling with a 17 month old .... but so worth it and she was such a wonderful girl!! We were able to do so much there and it has been a little rough getting back to real life and not hearing the beach waves every night ..... also this is the looooooooongest post ... sorry, but we had way too much fun!!
Day 1:
Here is our little buggy on the airplane .... she thought the window shade was the coolest thing ever!! She was an ANGEL on both flights thankfully!!!

Happy girl to be in Cali!!

Day 2: SEA WORLD!! Yes Liv was in HEAVEN .... really I have never seen her so wild or heard her scream so long and so loud. All she did was point and scream .... loved it!
We were trying to get out the door to Sea World and couldn't find Liv ...... yes she is wild

This is a little out of order, but we went to Seaport village for dinner and shopping and ate at the prettiest restaurant right on the beach. They had twinkling lights all over and Liv was so entertained with that!

A little worn out from Sea World .....

The only things that scared her were these seals and the polar bear .... terrified!

The amazing dolphin show!

None of these pictures didn't work very well ... but we were in the underground shark tunnel and she LOVED it!


Here is the Polar Bear that growled and scared her half to death ... see her trying to get away!

Her face the ENTIRE time!

Here we are at the Shamu show Believe .... we all LOVED this ... so amazing! Liv sat and starred the entire 30 mins!!

Look how big Shamu is in the background!!

HUGE and so amazing!!

I think one of the best parts of Sea World is the Sesame Street Land .... yes we were there for like 2 hours and she ran the entire time!! Here is the fun Elmo ride that she giggled through as well!

Our crazy girl

Day: 3
We went swimming at our amazing hotel pool, shopping, and then to the Padres game!
She would run everywhere with Shamu .... the hotel staff knew us VERY well and were so great to Liv!!

The fun water slides!! She looks terrified, but loved it!!

Mommy and Liv!

Living it up in the sand bar .... oh so nice!!

Petco Park was BEAUTIFUL!!

Right on the field with Daddy

Livie's first Major League game!!

Day 4:
So we really did SO many fun things during our trip, but I really think this was my favorite day! We were able to drive up to our friends AMAZING house and hang out all day and pretty much all night! We were able to eat the yummiest food, shop, eat the greatest cupcakes, and just talk and hang out ... oh so fun! Josh and Gay thank you for taking care of us! You guys are the best and we miss you!!
Here are the cutest boys ever ... Dallin and Porter with wild Liv ... who pretty much gave them a run for their money :)

Ah love at first sight ... yes they ARE getting married, no questions asked

The kids tackling Matt and yes he did deserve it!

Day 5:
BEACH and home :(
Livie and Daddy on the beach

Our little fam

The entire flight home looked like this .... ah bliss!!

What an AMAZING little vacation we had thanks to Matt!! He takes such great care of his girls!!!