
Smokin' Shades

The other day we were baby shopping and I saw these tortoise shell glasses for $2.99 and fell in love .... they are a HUGE hit and Liv won't stop wearing them!!


Potty Time?!

Liv LOVES the potty, really loves it. So the other day we went and had her pick out her own little potty and every day she wants to sit on it .... good sign right? She still doesn't understand it all quite yet, so hopefully in the near future!! P.S. don't you love the concentration on her face? She does it every time she sits on the potty ... I mean this is serious buisness people :)
And for some reason she always looks inside after .... funny, but ew ....


New Year's Weekend

For New Year's we went up to my parents cabin and had way too much fun!! Lots of food and fun and is just so relaxing, we really love this place! There is FINALLY enough snow up there for sledding and let's just say Liv LOVED it!! Last year she was still too small for some of the major hills, but this year she did it all plus more! I love that we have a little snow bunny!!

So I wonder why Liv is wild .... she seriously loves her Uncle Jake because he plays with her! She pretty much orders him around the whole time :)
She kept wanting him to flip her over his head .... poor guy sure got his work out!
We did lots of fireworks New Year's Eve and kept Liv up way too late!
She loved watching the fireworks!
I know .... totally child abuse right? She was a little unsure but Dad and Jake we set on throwing her off the balcony ....
Best Picture Ever!! Love this hot pink snow bunny!!
Daddy taking Liv sledding for the millionth time
Fighting off the sleep .... she was so made every time we took her in to eat and sleep ... crazy girl
When she wasn't sledding she was jumping in the snow, it was hilarious to watch her play in it!
Our little fam!
Yes I know major pregnant woman sledding down a big hill is a no no, but it was SO funny with Liv! She giggled the entire way down!! This is the best picture we could get, but it shows how much she LOVES sledding.
Our little Liv